Further, faster, more accurate

JarðarGreining project aims to develop a high-tech method using ground penetrating radars to study and evaluate the physical and structural properties of a subject and leave it intact. The services that will be offered will be diverse: from house roof analysis to pipe and cable analysis, from topographical and bottom measurements to preliminary analysis for archaeological excavations and natural hazard assessment.

Today, these issues are still mostly dealt with in a traditional manner by transporting equipment to the site and sampling, measurements and visual assessments. These measurements require many hours of work and can be physically demanding (e.g. for the inspection of a roof, scaffolding must be set up for safety reasons) and can result in significant disturbances of the environment (digging to find the location of pipes or excavations to locate archaeological remains).

drone with GPRDrone technology is advancing rapidly and allows us to approach remote and dangerous areas and can act as a portable measurement platform. International publications show that environmental and civil engineering assessments can greatly benefit from such semi-automatic unmanned measuring devices by reducing labor hours, minimizing risks and facilitating large-scale and accurate measurements.

Our services will benefit both individuals and companies, and we will lead research projects in collaboration with organizations and universities in relation with climate issues and natural disaster prevention.